Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Shut up" they explained

Mark Steyn wrote a fine essay on "The slow death of free speech - How the Left, here and abroad, is trying to shut down debate —  from Islam and Israel to global warming and gay marriage".  Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeting something complimentary about it and, brother, the speech police swooped in.


  1. screwtheNSAImAnnonymous10:43 AM

    Dissent for me, but not for thee.

  2. I seem to have a plank in my eye10:47 AM

    All over the country, liberals are working to kill free speech. It's an outrage, but what do you expect from the intolerant Left? I'd say more, but I'm busy listening to my Dixie Chicks CD while wearing a "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" T-shirt, and reading to see if there are any updates on anti-picketing laws, doctors being prohibited from discussing abortion, evolution being removed from textbooks, state agencies being barred from using global warming estimates for projections, books being yanked from libraries such as "The Catcher in the Rye" and "Are You There, God? It's...




    ...sorry, Darrell Issa shut off my microphone. Anyway, liberals who squash free debate must be stopped. And also RINOs.

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Yet more liberal shutdown of free speech! They've closed-mindedly refused to knuckle under to a targeted Republican budget cut, thereby disrespecting those GOP legislators' First Amendment right to say "no, you don't":
