Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The "whatevs" law

Remember when Kathleen Sebelius proclaimed the Obamacare deadline would not be extended?  Oh, man, that was hilarious.

Washington Post: "Obama administration will allow more time to enroll in health care on federal marketplace".
Under the new rules, people will be able to qualify for an extension by checking a blue box on HealthCare.gov to indicate that they tried to enroll before the deadline. This method will rely on an honor system; the government will not try to determine whether the person is telling the truth.
Hey, it's the law!

Extra - Patterico: "Another Obama red lined ignored."

More - Powerline: "Obamacare's hard enrollment deadline melts."

And this - Hot Air: "We all knew this one was coming, right?"  Yup.


  1. IOKIYAR2:08 PM

    Gasp! The lawlessness!


  2. siacd99910:31 AM

    They're just so sure Obamacare is so awesome and cool, they just can't understand why more people aren't signing up. And they're so sure that Obamacare is so awesome and cool, that when they wonder why more people haven't signed up, they think it must be because people aren't educated enough about it, or simply haven't had the time. So thus there's more promotions of Obamacare being awesome and cool, and another extension of enrollment deadlines because Obamacare is so awesome and cool. But wait until they get to the logic of "surely everyone must like Obamacare because it's so awesome and cool, that more people must not be signing up for it because the Evil Corporations and the Geezer Oligarch Party must be brainwashing people to not sign up for Obamacare which is so awesome and cool." Then the claws will come out, because OBAMACARE IS AWESOME AND COOL, AND EVERYONE MUST SIGN UP FOR IT!!!!!

  3. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Conservative satire!

  4. hj381j6:23 PM

    This method will rely on an honor system; the government will not try to determine whether the person is telling the truth. Hey, it's the law!

    Leeway like that should NOT be given to people seeking health coverage! It should only be given to political groups seeking tax-free status from the IRS.
