Saturday, March 08, 2014

The IRS stall

George Will: "The IRS's behavior taxes credulity"
What’s been said of confession — that it is good for one’s soul but bad for one’s reputation — can also be true of testifying to Congress, so Lois Lerner has chosen to stay silent. Hers, however, is an eloquent silence.
Comment seen online: "There's not a smidgen of corruption here but better take the Fifth just to be sure."

Extra - Powerline: "Obama's IRS: Political arm of the Democrats."


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Darrell Issa is a phony hatchet man, and not even an effective one. The spectacle of press-leaking, document-editing, kabuki chairman Issa searching for truth is a joke.

    The last person on earth who wants answers is Darrell Issa; if his investigation ever reached a conclusion and wrapped up, Issa wouldn't be anybody.

    Instead, fishing season goes on and on and on. Which is why no one with a lick of sense would cooperate with Issa, even if he were merely asking them to hold an elevator.

  2. Like Anonymous6:33 PM

    ...Therefore, Lerner taking the fifth just shows how innocent she is.

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Yes, Darrell Issa is SO awful, Lois Lerner can't possibly lower herself to talk to him--especially not to answer non-incriminating questions truthfully. You know, because he is "the last person on Earth who wants answers," she really, really shouldn't give him any...or something like that.

  4. Anonymous3:27 AM

    ...Therefore, Lerner taking the fifth just shows how innocent she is.

    Lois Lerner can't possibly lower herself to talk to him--especially not to answer non-incriminating questions truthfully.

    It would be best to skip this "gotcha" during the next discussion of King Obama's arrogant disregard for the Constitution.
