Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dang, I had my money on "deregulation"

Ace of Spades: "Anyone Who Said The Left Would Blame the Flight 370 Disappearance on Global Warming on Day 13, Please Go to the Cashier to Collect Your Winnings."


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Haw! What a buncha cuckoo birds. The data on climate change is still highly disputed, and very much up for debate. But the devastating cost of Obamacare, now those numbers are rock solid, baby!

  2. The data on climate change is not disputed: it just fails to comport with the alarmist computer models.

    When can we expect that $2500 cost reduction from Obamacare? I was told repeatedly it was coming. Period.

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Oh dear, a radio weather announcer with a polluter-funded blog thinks otherwise. Let's teach the controversy.

    When can we expect those mass post-Obamacare layoffs in the private sector? I was told repeatedly they were coming.

    Where are the more than 5 million people losing their health coverage due to Obamacare? I was told repeatedly that was coming.

    Why are a succession of Republican governors giving up and belatedly allowing exchanges and the Medicaid expansion? I was told repeatedly that was NEVER coming.

  4. non-Anonymous9:50 AM

    When can we expect those mass post-Obamacare layoffs in the private sector? I was told repeatedly they were coming.

    Where are the more than 5 million people losing their health coverage due to Obamacare? I was told repeatedly that was coming.

    Why exactly would you expect these to happen when Obama keeps delaying the implementation of his compassionate law? Not blaming you though. I know it's hard to keep up with all the fiats.

  5. You're right: only 4.7 million Americans lost their health coverage and NOT 5 million. But it's OK because they can purchase new policies. Sure they're more expensive, the deductibles are enormous, and they can't keep their doctor, but that's OK.

    You're welcome America.

    Also: what that guy said about the employer mandate. It was delayed because midterms. And Koch brothers.

  6. anti-de-un-dis-Anonymous2:43 PM

    Oh noes, insurance turnover! In ancient history before the ACA, just 17% of individual market insurance buyers kept the same plan for as long as two years. More than 13 million lost or cancelled policies every two years. Since then, though, all of the switching is Obamacare's fault.

    4.7 million is big. But less so after you lose the automatic reenrollments, those with tax credit eligibility, expanded Medicaid signees, and other options. The true number so affected is approximately 950,000.

    Many of these million people live in states that have been dragging their asses on adopting the new health care laws. But don't worry. Those willful blocks of granite you call Republican governors are shaped like dominoes. The GOP obstinance tax will lapse.

  7. 4.7 million IS big! Why it's almost as much as Americans who signed up for Obamacare. Because they were tossed off the insurance they liked.

    Don't worry...once the employer mandate kicks in it will embiggen.

  8. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Ha, ha, "the insurance they liked." The same policies that 83% of them were dropping every one or two years. That's so precious.

    Apparently in 2005, the most popular, beloved institution in America was its health insurance companies. It was an understated kind of adoration, though. The silent kind.

    But those beautiful days aren't gone forever. All you have to do is win 22 Senate seats, and ACA goes away.

  9. non-Anonymous10:23 PM

    All you have to do is win 22 Senate seats, and ACA goes away.

    Apparently all we need to do is keep having elections, and the Dems will see to it that the ACA (affordable...affordable... affordable) never arrives in the first place.

  10. Where are you getting this 83% number? What portion of it is people on Medicare who have to sign up for open enrollment every year?

    In fact, that's a very specific lie that this White House uses to artificially inflate enrollment numbers:

  11. Anonymous1:09 AM

    No, the number comes from before the ACA took effect. Only 17% of individual market subscribers kept their same health plan for as long as two years. The other 83% switched and cancelled and upgraded and downgraded and went without. That was the existing stability that has been ruined by Obamacare.

    There are other statistics which put aspects of Obamacare into an unflattering light; you'll find some in the above links. But the GOP prefers to declare that its Q-10-6-5-3 hand is an indisputable royal flush, and then air more "victim" PAC ads starring people whose health costs actually go down under Obamacare, not up.

  12. I don't know where the GOP gets all these lies about rising costs of health care.

    Health Insurers Raise Some Rates by Double Digits

    "Health insurance companies across the country are seeking and winning double-digit increases in premiums for some customers, even though one of the biggest objectives of the Obama administration’s health care law was to stem the rapid rise in insurance costs for consumers."

    Via -

  13. Also, I followed the breadcrumbs to the article about the 17%/two years claim. All it states is that most people change their insurance coverage from year-to-year.

    No duh. People get married, have kids, and pass through old age - they're going to change their insurance as they go along.

    Only Obamacare decides that if you're an 80-year-old nun, you better get some birth control.

  14. Anonymous2:42 PM

    80-year-old nuns represent 0.00001% of the American population (not rhetoric, I did quick rough math). Any national plan must be written with their interests as the primary consideration.

    But when every extra dollar in cost is labelled the exclusive fault of Obamacare, it's just as serious and genuine to treat Sister Debbie as a significant data point.

  15. Or we can craft legislation that leaves Sister Debbie alone.

    Is that too much to ask?

  16. Anonymous10:28 PM

    But that would have added another page to the ACA.

    Your problem isn't that nuns can't opt out. It's that Republican states are beginning to opt in.

  17. Uh-huh. From climate change to the inevitability of Hillary to Obamacare, are there any facts you have based on actual events?

    "You'll see!" - the futurist.

    In other news, any DAY now Americans are gonna start lovin' Obamacare.
