Saturday, October 12, 2013

Obamacare event draws just enough so that "you" is a plural pronoun

Weekly Standard: "Only 2 people attend 'Obamacare and You' event in South Carolina."


  1. Lonesome road10:30 PM

    What a fizzle! Did both of the people drive their 18-wheeler trucks there?

  2. Roger Ailes10:32 PM

    I suggest accidentally showing the wrong film of a packed room. It always works for me.

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Everyone else must have been attending "the million vets march." We haven't seen such a sea of humanity gathered in one place since the window outside "The Today Show."

  4. Obamacare enrollee1:24 PM

    I would comment on this, but I don't exist.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Silly nonexistent Obamacare enrollee! Why don't you come join the rest of us in reality, where Obamacare has been repealed 42 times?

  6. I think you mean that Obama has repealed 42 parts of the law with his super powers.

    Because he can totally do that.

  7. Zap! Pow! Defund!2:06 PM

    Any president would look like he had super powers if his opponents were the Tea Titans.

    "Riddle me this, John Boehner. When is a majority not a majority?"
