Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Longtime Kossite achieves instant troll status

You know a story from Daily Kos is going to full of sweet, sweet schadenfreude when it's linked over at Ace of Spades.  It seems that this fellow applied for Obamacare and his monthly premium is going to double.  He petulantly claims he's cancelling his insurance and won't pay a penalty.  Then all the commenters attacked him for his apostasy.  Noice!


  1. Area Man Complains8:34 PM

    Meanwhile, Disney and Wal-Mart are upgrading and expanding their part-time workers' health plans. New Yorkers are seeing, on average, a 50% drop in insurance costs. But, but, get a load of A Guy!

  2. Is this the same guy who says I should ignore all those personal stories of spiraling costs, then focuses on the only state where rates might go down?

    Hey, get a load of Albany!


  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Population of Albany: 97,904
    Population of New York City: over 18,900,000

    A column that outright says "Obamacare does have the effect of lowering premiums in New York [by] a 39 percent decrease from 2013 rates, and a 16 percent decrease from 2010 rates"? Astute rebuttal.

    But let's have a moment of silence for Some Guy in Schenectady. We'll be hearing his sad story soon, and often, and instead.

  4. You need better trolls, Eric...

  5. The Black Troll of Calcutta12:19 AM

    Referring to the circumstances of 35,000 Wal-Mart employees or 19.6 million New Yorkers = "trolling"

    Referring to the circumstances of one particular person (the world-famous "Tirge Caps") venting against the grain on a leftist website = "sweet, sweet schadenfreude"

    Of course, one at a time anecdotes only provide the Fun Size mini-bite version of delicious schadenfreude. But a crumb can be a banquet when you're starving.

  6. Meanwhile, in the rest of the country....

    Rates are going to go way up in 45 states. I'll bet you couldn't find 45 people in the country who have signed up for lower rates. Everybody else? Well they're the anecdotal outliers.

    Tell me the story again about how healthcare premiums will drop by $2500/year. Or how rates are "lower" and by lower we mean "lower than expected." Can Kathleen Sibelius explain again how the Obamacare exchanges are "getting better"?

    When that incredible ass-kisser Ezra Klein is calling Obamacare "a failure", well you know the banquet is just beginning.

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    In other non-news, I did a search on "Walmart" "Disney" "part time" and "health care" in Google News.

    Nothing. It's as illusory as Chad Henderson's health care.

  8. Bulletins from the land of illusion12:16 PM



    Anything else, Google wizard?

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Great story: Walmart increases its workforce by 2.7% right before the holiday shopping season.

    And Disney added the same number of workers that show up to a suburban high-school volleyball game.

    Obamacare success!

  10. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Obviously those trifling developments by a couple of fly-by-night companies are less than nothing, next to the crippling blow of some peeved blogger who says he's a-gonna do something. Now THAT'S an airtight story that defines a socioeconomic era.

    To review: 18 million New Yorkers is cherrypicking. Chad Henderson is a game changer.

  11. Speaking of New York, the Giants would be having a great season if it weren't for all the turnovers.

  12. Have fun in the primaries9:41 PM

    John Boehner would kill to be in Eli Manning's shoes.

    Republicans need to know: does Obamacare cover repeatedly punching yourself in the face?
