Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hands off

This is unsurprising.  CNN: "HHS chief: President didn't know of Obamacare website woes beforehand."  "President Barack Obama didn't know of problems with the Affordable Care Act's website -- despite insurance companies' complaints and the site's crashing during a test run -- until after its now well-documented abysmal launch, the nation's health chief told CNN on Tuesday."

In other words, he gave it the full attention he gave to Benghazi.  Now let's campaign!

Flashback - President Passerby learns about stuff on TV.


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM


    Medicare Drug Plan Finder: Still Waiting
    Tuesday, November 8, 2005

    The rollout of the new Medicare drug benefit has been anything but smooth. At a news briefing yesterday, Mark B. McClellan, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provided a how-to demonstration of the much-awaited Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder, which he said would be available on www.medicare.gov by 3 p.m. It wasn't.

    ...Problem is, the Medicare folks have had some trouble getting the tool up and running. The original debut date was Oct. 13, but officials delayed it, citing the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. Next it was promised on Oct. 17, but that day, too, came and went without personalized plan comparisons being available. Late in the month, McClellan told reporters that the feature definitely would be ready before Nov. 15, the date when seniors can begin signing up for the drug benefit.

    ...But the tool itself appeared to be in need of fixing yesterday. Visitors to the site could not access it for most of the first two hours. When it finally did come up around 5 p.m., it operated awfully slowly.

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Wow--there's that RABBIT again!

  3. Quick question: was Grandpa forced to pay a fine if he didn't sign up Lipitor pills?

  4. Anonymous12:03 AM

    If saying "RABBIT" makes reality go away, you might want to try saying "rabbit" to Speaker of the House Ted Cruz.

  5. allyourhealthcareareblongtous11:40 AM

    Somewhere, deep beneath the bowels of Congress, a bunch of Democrat strategists are brainstorming how to blame Republicans and Tea Party members for the bad website.

    Democrats: stop promising moon shots when you can't even deliver sling shots.

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Somewhere, deep beneath the bowels of Congress, a bunch of Democrat strategists are brainstorming how to blame Republicans and Tea Party members for the bad website.

    The Dems were going to blame their screwups on the ideally-timed shutdown until they saw 200 Fox News reports saying it was "Obama's shutdown." And about how the president would talk to Iran but wouldn't negotiate with Boehner. And Barrycades.

  7. C. Watt Sticks10:40 AM

    Didn't you get the memo? It wasn't a shutdown, it was a "slimdown"!

    Not buying that? Okay, then how about this: Obama deliberately made the shutdown worse on purpose! Also, that crafty Obama set a TRAP for Republicans, thereby causing the shutdown in the first place. He's the most devious and radical mastermind alive, and of course, he's simultaneously a bumbling incompetent who's in way over his head. In conclusion, liberal spin is bad.
