Friday, August 30, 2013

We will never reform entitlements

They will just keep running on auto-pilot until the honeypot runs dry.  The long line of supercommittees has returned no substantial deals to avoid either short-term or long-term fiscal disaster.

Now the informal "dinner club" between Senate Republicans and the White House is kaput.  The White House wants to raise taxes (again) and the Republicans want entitlement reform.  But, as I noted a long time ago, demagoguing entitlements for political gain is like crack to the Democrats.   It's all kabuki theater and class warfare: the Democrats will never reform entitlements.  The Republicans should stop convincing themselves they can kick Lucy's football.

Social Security and Medicare are on a glide path to bankruptcy.  Let it burn.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    as I noted a long time ago, demagoguing entitlements for political gain is like crack to the Democrats.

    A year ago is a long time to remember, but who was running the attack ads last fall about the devastating $716 billion in Medicare cuts?

    Four years ago is an even longer time to remember; which Democrat warned us about death panels?

    Ponzi schemes and socialist takeovers; why must Democrats always demagogue these things for political gain?

  2. It was four weeks ago and it was Howard Dean:

    "ObamaCare’s cost-cutting board — memorably called a “death panel” by Sarah Palin — is facing growing opposition from Democrats who say it will harm people on Medicare.
    Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean drew attention to the board designed to limit Medicare cost growth when he called for its repeal in an op-ed late last month."

    Read more:

  3. It's probably helpful to identify who is going to be screwed out of what they were promised, which is most of us at this point.

    There should be an app for that. To my knowledge there isn't one.
