Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Unforeseen consequences that everybody foresaw

Reason 24/7 - "Obamacare will penalize some families for employer-provided health coverage."


  1. 255 delirds11:13 PM


    Estimates from 19 states operating health insurance exchanges to help the uninsured find coverage show that at least 8.5 million will use the exchanges to buy insurance, a USA TODAY survey shows. That would far outstrip the federal government's estimate of 7 million new customers for all 50 states under the 2010 health care law.

    California alone said it expected to sign up 5.3 million people.

    The states said they made their estimates based on how many individuals are uninsured and aren't likely to become insured by an employer, what insurers in their states expect and conversations with HHS about reasonable goals.

    "It's not a positive development for the Republican opponents who would like to see this fail," Ginsburg said. "But it's still very early in the process."

  2. Thanks for the link but I don't see how this doesn't bolster the argument that workers are going to lose their traditional workplace insurance:

    "The states said they made their estimates based on how many individuals are uninsured and aren't likely to become insured by an employer, what insurers in their states expect and conversations with HHS about reasonable goals."

    So Obamacare forces businesses to drop spousal coverage and workers to under 30 hours/week. Then they join the exchanges and that's success? The lifeboat participation rate also rose quickly after the Titanic hit that iceberg.

    In other unrelated news this morning: "UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare."

  3. 255 delirds12:42 PM

    The point is that from the starting line, the "failed law" is already on pace to outstrip projections and be self-sustaining. And that's before the other 31 states give up and join.

    Also, the slow drip of "look what Obamacare will have done if this happens" stories and non-partisan Chamber of Commerce analyses are a few decades late to the hysteria party on behalf of the working man's health care.

    In 1979, 16 percent of low-wage workers had no health insurance, public or private. In 2010, the number had risen to 40 percent.

    In 1979, 43% of low-wage workers had insurance through their employers. By 2010, it was down to 26%.

    From 1979-2010, mid-wage workers with employer-provided insurance dropped from 64 percent to 51 percent. For the highest-paid workers over the same period, the percentage with employee health benefits fell from 91% to 77%.


    That nearly all business surveys show that the overwhelming majority of employers will offer the same health coverage and/or be totally unaffected by the law is just the icing on the cake.

  4. In 2009, Gallup reported that 87% of Americans were happy with their health care coverage.


    Also, I notice that the hue and cry of the Chamber of Commerce has been joined by all the major unions. Strange bedfellows, indeed.


  5. drip drip drip7:23 AM

    The effort to "stop Obamacare" will be this effective:


    Rick Scott, who rode the "kill Obamacare" pony into the governor's house, bent over and coughed months ago. There's no principle quite like impending reelection.

    Rick "If anyone was in doubt, we in Texas have no intention to implement so-called state exchanges or to expand Medicaid under Obamacare; I will not be party to socializing healthcare and bankrupting my state in direct contradiction to our Constitution and our founding principles of limited government" Perry is already grubbing for Obamacare dollars.

    Who wants to play a long game of dominoes? Everybody will!
