Tuesday, August 06, 2013

CNN gets results!

A little more than a week after CNN sat down with Ahmed Abu Khattala, we have this: "First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe."
Federal authorities investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Abu Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said. The charges under seal are the first criminal counts to emerge from the probe.
And only eleven months later...not bad.  As Hot Air notes: "See what happens when non-Fox networks turn up the heat on Hopenchange?"  Suddenly it's less phony.


  1. Questions4:31 PM

    Who would ever think that an investigation conducted 4,800 miles away from a country with no functional government or legal system would go slower than hoped?

    When has a network ever timed its programming to coincide with long-expected events?

  2. Wasn't that the argument against sending help that night? "It's too faaaaaarrrrr."

    In other news, Obama moved with great ease - and expense - across Africa to open up trade with Senegal.

  3. Anne Alogy10:20 PM

    In other news, Obama moved with great ease - and expense - across Africa to open up trade with Senegal.

    WHAT? No way! You mean business people will take money faster than criminals will agree to go to prison? Tell us more, Uncle Equivalency!
