Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Smoking gun, hiding in plain sight - By the way, if you missed it, check out the NY Times chicanery via Mickey Kaus: "NYT buries lede....in the lede!"

Essentially, the Times reported that a "manager" at the IRS Cincinnati office told accountants to scan for "Tea Party" in applications.  Who is this mystery manager?  The Times doesn't know and doesn't care to know!  That's some top-notch journalism there.

Well, maybe Lois Lerner can clear this up when she testifies tomorrow.  Or not.  Let the hagiography commence!


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Oh, Ms. Lerner's testimony is indeed interesting. So interesting, in fact, that she took the 5th....

    -- kd

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I support our Constitution and its protections, except when the wrong people use them.
