Wednesday, March 06, 2013

In his defense, he's writing the most beautiful budget you've ever seen - Weekly Standard: "Chief White House calligrapher gets paid $96K per year."

Ha-ha, just kidding.  He's not writing a budget.

Extra - Hot Air: "Sequestermania!"  And my favorite quip today: the White House has "jumped the sharquester."


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Obama has submitted budgets every year. None have been passed. Maybe if he added a fake cover page to the next one saying it was to re-re-defund ACORN, it would sail through this Congress.

    According to federal law, a budget must be submitted every year, and Obama has done that. But there's no penalty for Congress refusing to consider that (or any) budget resolution, and no one has legal standing to sue if they don't. Isn't that sweet?

    The Economist explains:

  2. "None have been passed."

    That passive voice statement is generous, to say the least.

  3. Anonymous12:48 AM

    And Constitutional, which says even less than that.

  4. Ariel Narrow7:21 PM

    Hey, White House calligrapher! Word on the street (K Street, anyway) is that it’s all Barack Obama’s fault for refusing to deliver a budget! Is that true, White House calligrapher?
