Friday, February 08, 2013

There's a reason Obama keeps returning to Steve Kroft

Peggy Noonan: "So God made a Fawner"
We are living in the age of emergency—the economy, the Mideast, North Korea, Iran. The president has an utter and historic inability to forge a relationship with Congress. Unemployment seems intractable.
And the best Steve Kroft and "60 Minutes" could do was how wonderful are you?
For extra fun, here's Nick Gillespie: "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the journalists blow."  Oh, they blow all right - big time.

Plus - PJ Tatler: "Most Americans may not remember it, but there was a time ... there was one network show that could be counted on to ambush bigwigs and ask tough questions and get stories. That show was 60 Minutes. I know, right? It’s very hard to believe now."

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