Wednesday, February 13, 2013

That was a pretty good prediction

I wrote this an hour before the SOTU I didn't watch:
Tonight he'll stand before this useless rabble and repeat his tattered and tired platitudes: "fair shot" and "we can't cut our way to prosperity" and "balanced approach."
The Prez squeezed it all into two sentences:
"Most Americans – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – understand that we can’t just cut our way to prosperity. They know that broad-based economic growth requires a balanced approach to deficit reduction, with spending cuts and revenue, and with everybody doing their fair share."
Andrew Malcolm (and many others) felt the same way about Mr. Real Good Talker:
It was stunning last night to hear and then read among the 6,419 words likely the most colossal collection of yawn-inducing clichés in recent American political history.
To his credit, Obama gathered together with his economic team team today to restore fiscal certainty to the federal government by crafting a budget, as required by law.  Ha-ha, just kidding.  He took Air Force One to North Carolina for another campaign stop.  Tomorrow it's Georgia and then he'll pretend to answer questions on Google Hangout.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    It was stunning last night to hear and then read among the 6,419 words likely the most colossal collection of yawn-inducing clichés in recent American political history.

    That might be the most astonishing peak of hyperbole in the entire human history of exaggeration.

  2. Crystal Ball11:00 PM

    You're claiming credit for predicting that Obama would say the kinds of things that Obama says? Uh... way to go?

  3. Yes, well, most Americans - Democrats, Republicans and Independents - agree it wasn't such a special prediction after all.

    Let me be clear.
