Monday, February 04, 2013

Mysteries of economics - The National Journal reports on this strange phenomenon: increasing taxes slows economic activity!  Who knew?


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Ignoring those ways in which that statement is untrue, for the rest of them that is SO true!

  2. Dooooomed7:57 PM

    That must be why 254 businesses fled California in 2011. Sure, 167,000 businesses were created in California in the same year, but that just means the damage will be that much more colossal when all of them abandon the high-tax state later on.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Daily Kos said so it must be true

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Yes, the published newspaper reports of state and IRS statistics, some of which date back almost a year, totally pre-plagiarized Daily Kos and its lies.

  5. Let's see how all those hot dog stands and Herbalife reps enhance California's bottom line.

    JK Rowling's books have more reality than California's books.

  6. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Then what has the conservative criticism of the alleged "mass exodus" been based on these past several years? What superior, secret proprietary data have they been using?

  7. The LA Times: "California's population growth is slowing dramtically"

    Also, Tax Foundation ranks California 48th in business climate. Take that New York and New Jersey!

  8. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Those are... also statistics.

    Not statistics that show an increasing trend of businesses fleeing California for red states, but statistics to be sure.

    How charming that California's data is implicitly rigged, but the Tax Foundation's press releases are agenda-free goodness.

  9. California's riding high on those 167K new "businesses" employing nobody:

    "California’s labor market slowed last month as employers shed 17,500 jobs in December and the unemployment rate remained unchanged.

    The state’s jobless rate, which fell below 10% in November for the first time in nearly four years, stands at 9.8%, according to data released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.",0,7036051.story

    California: Now below double-digit unemployment!

  10. No, meme, no! Don't you die on me!3:48 PM

    [i]California's riding high on those 167K new "businesses" employing nobody[/i]

    "They did build that, but F 'em!"

    Good to see that goalpost moving is a job that hasn't been affected by economic woes.
