Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fake but literal - Weekly Standard: "PolitiFact concedes their 'Lie of the Year' is the 'literal truth'."


  1. Mm hmm7:58 AM

    International child sex rings are operating outside the law.

    There are websites devoted to posting pornographic images and videos of children, some as young as two.

    Viking Pundit updates its content every day.

    Shouldn't we protect our most vulnerable?

    All statements rated 100% true. Context cannot be fact checked.

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Ah, juxtaposition. Pinocchio is powerless against it.

  3. Oh well11:51 AM

    The Fact Checker received a letter earlier this week from Stuart Stevens, chief strategist for the Mitt Romney campaign. He asked us to reconsider a Four-Pinocchio ruling for Romney’s ad on Chrysler and China, which aired in the campaign’s last week.
    Let’s review:

    Romney first said “all production” of Jeeps would be moved to China. Not true.

    Then a Romney spokesman said Chrysler was adding jobs in China and not creating them in the United States. Not true either.

    Then the ad said: “Obama sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China. Mitt Romney will fight for every American job.” This is a smarmy way of restating the previous incorrect statements with an air of plausible deniability.

    There is no evidence that any American jobs will be lost as a result of the Chrysler deal in China. In fact, greater success in China might well strengthen the overall company.

    With all due respect to Stevens, the claim that Romney turned out to be right is simply not accurate. We fail to see how the argument used to defend Romney against charges of outsourcing — which this column often argued was mostly bogus — can be turned on its head in this particular situation.

    Meanwhile, the ad has other serious problems — such as mischaracterizing the PolitiFact column, ignoring the context of the Detroit News endorsement and miscasting Obama’s role in the sale to Fiat. We reaffirm our earlier ruling of Four Pinocchios.
