Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bond franchise shaken, not stirred - I just got back from seeing "Skyfall" and the movie is a delight for 007-fans with some great throwbacks to the golden era from tuxedos to Bond's gray Aston-Martin.

I don't want to give away too many spoilers but there's one scene where Bond asks M something like "Are you going to complain the whole way?" and then he flips open the top of the stick-shift to reveal a red button.  And then near the end, Bond enters a room with a hat rack - yes, that hat rack - and all I could think about was Sean Connery tossing his hat from across the room.


  1. The one I thought was especially dumb was Q, after bragging about his software 'expertise' plugging Silva's laptop into the MI6 network. Must be a graduate of the Geek Squad school...

  2. My wife said: "Did you see the Scrabble coffee mug?" It was a Q.

  3. My 12-year-old thought the DB5 was the coolest car he has ever seen. Ever.

    I couldn't disagree.
