Monday, October 22, 2012

So many questions and no straight answers - Over at the Corner, Bing West is bewildered by the explanations from the CIA, as reported by the NY Times, over Benghazi.  There was no protest - "none, nada, none" - and for weeks the Administration ran with the "bad movie review" line.  We're still investigating and shouldn't draw conclusions, yet Susan Rice was dispatched to push the protest line right away.  The attack on the consulate lasted seven hours but no military assistance was sent as a U.S. drone watched it all unfold.

I don't normally watch O'Reilly but he makes a good point tonight: isn't the country owed a press conference from this Commander-in-Chief?  Yes, the "fog of war", but it's six weeks later.  I predicted way before Libya that Obama wouldn't hold another press conference but now it looks like the only answers we'll get from this President are whatever are pried out of him by Bill Schaeffer tonight.


  1. Spinhead10:36 PM

    Ah, Bill O'Reilly. The Bulldog! Having watched O'Reilly cover the Jessica Lynch rescue, the Abu Ghraib torture, the Pat Tillman killing, and so many other stories, I can truly say that there is no one more innately skeptical of early White House narratives. There is no one more interested in digging deep to uncover the full truth, along with full accountability. And there is no one who is more offended by coordinated dishonesty for political purposes.

  2. Kill that messenger.

  3. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Inflate that message.

  4. I guess it was not optimal.

  5. Anonymous12:45 AM

    2004: Crises are talking points.
    2012: Talking points are crises.

  6. Optimal Prime2:16 PM

    Like the tires on a car, it's important to rotate one's standards every 4 to 8 years.
