Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ryan won - here's why

Ask yourself, honest American: which of these two do you want one heartbeat from the Presidency?  Biden was condescending, constantly interrupting, rude, and fact-challenged.  Libya didn't ask for additional security?  That's not what I heard.

Ryan wasn't overly aggressive but he didn't create any gaffes and thus didn't change Romney's momentum.  I thought he was nervous, especially at the start, but measured and (eventually) confident.  Ryan's closing statement was excellent, or at least much better than Folksy Joe.  No KO but Ryan wins the debate on points.

Extra - Ricochet: "Tonight’s debate was again a major plus for the GOP.  Biden was way too hot and irritatingly dismissive of Ryan. He was flat out wrong about the Libya.  He hurt himself and the president.  Ryan's manner was ideal: calm, controlled.  His answers were well informed and well argued.  You believed him... and liked him.  Biden channeled the now defunct Air America, the leftist talk radio that was full of rage, a tone that put them out of business."

Also - CNN poll on the winner: "Ryan 48% - Biden 44%"."  Wolf Blitzer just noted that in CNN's focus group of Virginia voters, Biden had slightly more "negative" moments while Ryan had much more "positive" moments.

Finally - Ann Althouse: "Biden was horribly rude."  I'm watching CNN and they're saying an updated poll says Ryan won 49%-43%.  Also more Americans said they'd be inclined to vote for Romney than Obama....therefore it was a "draw."  Sure.


  1. A draw means the dem lost, if they admit the dem lost, it means he got whipped. If they admit he got whipped, then he got nuked.

  2. Not only did Ryan win win win, but Romney won the second and third debates. There - now you can take the next two weeks off!

  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Ryan won - here's why

    Because you root for Republicans. End of analysis.

    If some liberal blogger wrote that Biden won because he eventually got less shaky, did no harm, and had practiced his goodbye speech - and besides, Ryan was rude - you'd snort with derision.

    Here's an equally biased description of what really happened, but it's filled with actual examples of things Ryan said, and didn't say.

    Biden's debate victory wasn't a complete beatdown, but the needle on the slap counter was buried deep in the blue.

  4. Unlike the mainstream media, I don't have to pretend that I have a dedication to objectivity.

    Then there's the New York Times, browbeaten by their own public editor.

  5. If some liberal blogger wrote that Biden won because he eventually got less shaky, did no harm, and had practiced his goodbye speech - and besides, Ryan was rude - you'd snort with derision.

    Yeah, don't let the facts get in the way of a counter argument...

  6. Harry Mudd9:18 PM

    "I like facts, and I support Paul Ryan."

    Isn't that what they said to the android on "Star Trek," to make its logic capacitor break down and self-destruct?
