Sunday, October 07, 2012

Joe Biden (aka Neal Kinnock) has a higher I.Q. than you - Red State: "Ryan's impossible debate challenge."


  1. The intellectual leader of the party7:39 PM

    Red State: Ryan is a man who has mastered the intricacies of legislation

    Absolutely, except for the "making your bill pass-able instead of merely a talking point" part, or the "numbers that add up" part, or the "names of the things that get cut" part, or the "reducing the national debt as claimed" part.

    Ryan's intricacy is (quite literally) off the charts!

  2. How does he compare in the "getting votes for your budget" category?

  3. Bipartisan curious9:18 PM

    As grotesquely one-sided as Obamacare... only without the political effectiveness?

    The Pathway to Prosperity budget was only shoved a third of the way down America's throat, which is why it was so easily spat back out.

  4. So the House budget passed only the House.

    Obama's budgets got a total of zero votes. The Senate budget also got zero votes since the Democrats have not submitted a budget in 3 years, in violation of the law.

    But, hey, who's going to enforce that law? Obama? Ha-ha!

    Also, I think Obamacare will be politically effective - just not in the way you'd like.

  5. Antoinette Perry2:52 PM
    So the House budget passed only the House. Obama's budgets got a total of zero votes.

    If you put that to music and take it to Broadway, we can call it "Show Vote."

    Also, I think Obamacare will be politically effective - just not in the way you'd like.

    Continuing the stage musical theme:
    To dream... the impossible dream... to fight... the unbeatable foe...
