Thursday, October 18, 2012

Consider the source

Today and for the first time, Romney took the lead in the Real Clear Politics electoral map.

He's also in the lead in the RCP general election poll.

Nate Silver of the New York Times says: "Obama's gonna win!"  Math is hard.


  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I hate to say anything that could hurt the American confetti industry in these troubled economic times. But the key to this "lead change" is simple in every sense of the word.

    RCP removed North Carolina from their tossup states list, while leaving Pennsylvania and Michigan on it. Prepare for a HUGE Obama EV "comeback" -- again, without anything actually happening.

  2. Oh dear, there's been some news from Pennsylvania and Michigan recently.

    But if you're going to claim them, I'm going to claim Florida and Virginia. +6 for our team.

  3. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Oh dear, there's been some news from Pennsylvania and Michigan recently.

    Don't drink and blog.

  4. Nate Silver today on Twitter:
    National polls published in the last 24 hours: Obama +3.2, Obama+3, Obama +3, Obama +1, Obama +0.6, Obama +0.5, TIE, Romney +7.

    Silver, you dummy. 7 is the biggest number, which means Romney is the winner. Math is hard!
