Thursday, September 06, 2012

Woman in RNC ad is a Republican - libs freak out

I have to admit I thought this was a spoof, but apparently it's real.  The Republicans ran a tongue-in-cheek ad of a woman "breaking up" with Obama and the lefties shouted "Aha! she's not a Democrat!"

Jim Treacher: "This might be the dumbest nontroversy you'll see all day"
Seriously. They really do think you’re this stupid. I’m surprised they aren’t pointing out that she’s delivering her lines to a cardboard cutout, not the real Obama, and calling that a “problem.”
I think they're trying a little payback after "Republican women for Obama" were actually Democrats.  For extra fun today, a "former Bain employee" who spoke at the DNC never worked for Bain.  Fake but accurate, I presume.

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