Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The pursuit of happiness* (maximum: $5 million)

The latest brilliant idea in class warfare?  A maximum income.  You can make up to $5 million dollars but then everything above that is taxed at 99%.

[phone rings]
"Mr. Spielberg?  It's the studio.  Great news!  They've green-lighted "Jaws 5: The Revenge of Bruce."
"I don't know, Jennifer, my accountant says that I'm already up to $4.3 million for the fiscal year and I'm still pulling in merchandising cash from Tintin."
"But Mr. Spielberg, a movie would give jobs to hundreds of Hollywood phonies from actors to writers to set builders."
"Well, OK, but we need to find a lead who's under the limit.  [snaps fingers] Get me Tom Arnold!"

And scene.

Extra - Vodkapundit: "An idea whose time has come."


  1. Oh, Calm Down1:14 PM

    The blogosphere is the only place where the writings of Hamilton Nolan are noticed or discussed.

    The heck with it, let's get pumped up anyway...those darned libs with their 99% tax rates!

  2. Stupid objectivist reality!2:18 PM

    When Ayn Rand wrote and published "Atlas Shrugged" in 1956-57, the top tax rate was 91%. Makes you wonder why she bothered.
