Tuesday, June 05, 2012

CNN tries to build suspense on WI recall, fails, cuts to the Queen - Hit and Run: "CNN's squeaker looks not so squeaky."  Most everybody called the race after an hour and, as up this writing, Scott Walker is up by 15% which is way more than most polls indicated heading into this recall race.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    CNN was so silly to prematurely suggest the recall could be a tight result, when it wasn't.

    Much smarter to prematurely trumpet a poll-busting 15% lead that dissolved into... exactly what the polls had said.

  2. Yeah, that's why I wrote "at this writing." But, yes, I was wrong when the election was called in an hour instead of the up-all-night scenario everybody was anticipating.

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    So that "way more than most polls had indicated" was just filler? Or is there some poll specifically designed to estimate the partial vote count at the 90-minute mark after an election?

    You got excited, dude. It happens. But to the extent this matters (not much), CNN was off by 6%, and you were off by 9%.

    ABC, NBC, and Fox also led off their coverage with "still too close to call" exit polling. Then, an hour later, ABC, NBC, Fox and... CNN all called the result at the same time. Take that, Blitzer!

    Reason's "Ha ha, Fox News was briefly amiss" post must have gotten temporarily delayed.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "You got excited, dude. It happens. But to the extent this matters (not much), CNN was off by 6%, and you were off by 9%."

    He's right, Eric. I'm never trusting any of your election polling numbers from this day forward. You've cost me money for the last time.

  5. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Don't do it, Anonymous! Stay the course!

    Viking Pundit: the most trusted name in getting frisky over the news.
