Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Massachusetts miracle - Ace of Spades HQ: "Obama's newest attack on Romney: Massachusetts' unemployment rate was 4.7%."  This is why the Obama surrogates keep talking about being "47th in job growth" - there was almost full employment to begin with.  Meanwhile, guess which Lightbringer Chief Executive (aw, I gave it away) presided over the worst 30 months of employment in the last quarter-century.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Romney ruled! Obama drools! What is "context"?

  2. "Context" is like saying the unemployment rate "dipped" to 8.1% because millions of Americans gave up looking for work.

    You're welcome.

  3. It all makes sense to Bill Kristol6:06 AM

    But Bill Clinton's economic boom, which REALLY started under George H.W. Bush, was still a phony tech bubble, right? That's why Bush deserves the credit for making the economy better, even though he raised taxes, which always makes the economy worse. But then came the "Clinton recession," which was dumped into the lap of Bush #2. As for today, isn't it time for losers to stop "blaming Bush"? Finally, government does not and cannot create jobs, except for Governor Romney... 4.7% growth, baby! Meanwhile, Obama is a bum because Where Are The Jobs?

    Can we get a flowchart of all this?

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Sorry, but I don't want to rehash the path because I'm looking FORWARD!

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    George W. Bush had two slogans in 2004: Moving America Forward. and Yes America Can.

    No, seriously, those were his two slogans.

    If only we had inspirational leaders and meaningful messages like that today.

  6. Another example of Republican efficiency vs. Democrat profligacy. Obama goes through slogans like he goes through taxpayer money.

    I hear his latest is "Clear eyes full heart...can't lose!" Nice!

  7. Leff Winger9:13 PM

    What is Romney's... "Douche-Ray Vision"?

  8. Stay classy, San Diego.
