Tuesday, May 22, 2012

David Brooks *hearts* private equity

The New York Times columnist has a full-throated defense of Bain Capital and firms that promote capitalism, jobs, and growth: "How Change Happens."  I, for one, believe that the Obama camp should keep on pushing this line of attack.

Let's have that debate about how that guy took control of a failing company and a hundred-thousand people lost their jobs.


  1. Marge N. O'Error10:21 PM

    Rasmussen is as respected in the polling world as new porn actress Octomom's work is by Cahiers du Cinema.

    I, for one, believe that the Obama camp should keep on pushing this line of attack.

    In early 2004, 46% of registered voters said that John Kerry ("reporting for duty!") was a war hero. Just 19% said he was not.

    I know something happened after that, but it was a long time ago and the details are murky.

  2. I liked Steven Rattner's piece in the Times today: "Yeah, Bain created jobs but not as many as Romney claims."

    Obama 2012: "Don't vote for the Mormon vampire."
