Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Facts are stubborn things - Guy Benson gives a point-by-point response to Obama's blather today: "Obama's worst speech yet."

Extra - Yuval Levin: "Obama's America."  That would be the America where doing anything to rein in unprecedented government spending and trillion-dollar deficits is heartless social Darwinism.  Oh my.

More - Hey isn't Paul Ryan's budget awful?  WSJ: "The worst economic recovery in history."

And this - Opinion Journal: "If there's a Laffer Curve for Presidential invective—some point at which dishonest political abuse yields diminishing returns—the White House political team must not think their boss has hit it. Even in this hyperpartisan age, President Obama's speech to the Associated Press yesterday was a parody of the form. This was a diatribe that managed to invoke "Social Darwinism" and "a Trojan Horse" in the same paragraph, amid the other high crimes that Mr. Obama says Paul Ryan wants to commit."


  1. "The more they know, the more they'll like it!"8:48 PM

    After you're done celebrating the reheated Ryan budget, tell us again how Obamacare needs to die because it's "hugely unpopular with the voters."

  2. It needs to die because it's unconstitutional. That Americans recognize this defect is just a bonus.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    We need to pass Paul Ryan's budget so we can find out whether it works.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Or any budget, just for a change.

  5. Oceans 1403:19 PM

    This Twitter message says it all:
    "Aww, President Obama got Mitt Romney a present - a beautiful Paul Ryan budget anvil necklace. That's sweet."

  6. What's that other unpopular thing that Obama never talks about?

    Oh yeah, his record.

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    his record

    It's going to be a double album.

    Why oh why is Obama so silent about mentioning Osama bin Who Now? Or saving the auto something or other? Or averting another Great Dewhatever? Or drawing down the Afghan whoozamacallit?

    Great record, and you can dance on your opponents' backs to it!

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Thank Allah that Paul Ryan produced a budget: otherwise what would Obama talk about?

  9. Anonymous1:03 PM

    How the incompetent Republicans don't have a budget?

  10. Hey, Kool-Aid!5:26 PM

    The deficit-cutting Ryan budget would increase the deficit. It promises huge savings from unspecified future "loophole closings" which Ryan has repeatedly declined to identify. And it promises to eventually cut the entire federal budget to a smaller percentage of GDP than what the Republicans intend to earmark just for defense spending.

    But the budget is printed on paper, so it exists and it's oh so very serious!

  11. Hey, Kool-Aid!5:31 PM

    To be clear, Paul Ryan's garbage math in no way absolves Barack Obama and the Dems for their failure to produce a budget. But Ryan hasn't done it, either.

  12. Harry Reid7:37 PM

    Man, that Ryan fellow is catching all kinds of hell for putting out a budget.

    The lesson here: never put out a budget.

  13. Harry Reid again7:38 PM

    "Hey, Harry, are you going to vote for MY budget?" - Obama

    "Well, there's going to be a vote." - Reid

  14. The Number Games9:30 PM

    Man, that Ryan fellow is catching all kinds of hell for putting out a budget.
    The lesson here: never put out a budget.

    The lesson is, if you put out Underpants Gnomes math and call it a budget, don't act so shocked and tushy-sore when people question your credentials as the most serious fiscal thinker of the age.
