Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Forget it Jake...it's Obamatown

Raising the national debt by almost $5 trillion in eight years: "unpatriotic."

Raising the national debt by almost $5 trillion in less than four years: "spenderific!"


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    It's amazing what averting a depression and paying for two wars can do to the bottom line.

  2. You're right and the bonus is that this level of borrowing goes on forever.

  3. Anonymous11:21 PM

    "It's amazing what averting a depression and paying for two wars can do to the bottom line."

    It's even more amazing how kicking the can down the road about 17 feet can enable this Administration's sycophants to prostitute themselves. I've got 5 bucks--wanna suck my dick?

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    No need, Prince Charming. We've all taken it hard from behind with the Bush tax cuts.

  5. dfwmtx10:58 AM

    $5 billion more in the hole, but hey, at least Obama's buddies on Wall Street feel better about the economy.

    Besides, Obama needs part of that $5 billion for himself since he won't be getting any kickbacks from Blagoiovich from selling his gently-used Senate seat.

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Buddies on Wall Street? But I thought Obama was "the most anti-business President" in the history of everything?!?

  7. Can we keep it clean please? I don't want to have to delete the few comments I get here.
