Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yikes - National Review: "Dole goes nuclear" on Gingrich.  Not a fan.


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I wish they'd stop giving me reasons to vote for Gingrich...

    Dole? Really? What's next, they gonna tell us that Al Gore and Michael Dukakis don't like him?

    One more statist bastard's opinion on what should be. Bob Dole can shove that damn pen where the sun doesn't shine.

  2. Anonymous2:14 AM

    The 2011-12 Republican race has been run on essentially the same principle as a 4-year-old throwing itself on the floor at the supermarket and having a tantrum. Their reaction to Obama's reelection promises to be even nuttier.

  3. Behind all the rhetoric and politics, there is a nugget of truth. Nobody who has ever worked with Newt Gingrich likes him. In person, he is a complete douche bag. The massive ego, the unpredictability, and the abrasiveness seem to drive everyone off.

    For somebody as polite and mild-mannered as Bob Dole to attack him personally, not politically is very telling.

  4. I think Ron Paul was in the Gingrich House and (naturally) doesn't have much good to say about the Speaker.

    But there's a deafening silence from the 434 other Congresspersons: I'm not exactly seeing a parade of former colleagues coming out in praise of his leadership skills.

  5. Zoppo7:50 PM

    Hilarious to remember the accusations of "Bush Derangement Syndrome," as we see the accusers flirt with nominating a crud like Gingrich because he'll be mean and disrespectful to Barack Obama in the debates.

    A sizeable segment of the electorate is more concerned with getting jollies than jobs.
