Saturday, January 21, 2012

I'm no big fan of Romney - But for heaven's sake, Republicans, are you really going to tank the nomination for Newt?  Washington Examiner: "America hates Newt Gingrich."  There is no way a guy thirty points underwater can win this election.

I was a Tim Pawlenty man at the start and I would have loved to see Mitch Daniels in the race.  But nominating Gingrich is punching Obama's ticket for four more years of awfulness.

Extra - What John Hinderaker said.


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Republican voters don't like Northeast liberals.

    Why is that so hard to understand?

    Romney is a sure loser in the general. Worse than McCain.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    A campaign full of Newt kicking obama and the MFM in the metaphorical nuts sounds good to me.

  3. The Democratic Party6:46 PM

    And it sounds fantastic to us. Welcome back, House of Representatives!

  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The GOP is going to lose the House anyway.

    GOP leaders, from Romney to Boehner, have decided that the one group with any passion, the Tea Party, is no longer useful to them.

    Does anyone seriously believe that Scott Brown is going to be re-elected?

    It would be nice to have a GOP nominee who could at least compete in his home state.

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Here's why Mitt Romney is a guaranteed loser, even if he wins the GOP nomination:

    "In August of 1994 Mitt Romney had a Solid Lead for the Senate Seat held by incumbant Ted Kennedy. It was actually looking like Ted was going to be Ex-Senator Kennedy.

    Then, in September of 1994 Newt Gingrich announced a Bold and Forward thinking strategy for the Congressional Off Season Elections. He announced the Contract With America.

    The Mainstream Media was unimpressed. They scoffed and Ridiculed the idea and made no bones about their total contempt for this Republican “Contract On America.”

    When Mitt was asked by a Snide Reporter what he thought of the “Contract with America” Idea that had been put forward by Newt Mitt did then what Mitt always does, he played it safe, “That’s the house, I’m running for the Senate,” he said.

    Mitt further refined his position after listening long and hard to the positions of the Sunday Talk shows and the evening Talking Heads. By the debate with Ted Kennedy he’d established his opinion that the “Contract with America” was a BAD IDEA.

    Meanwhile, in the polls, the farther Mitt distanced himself from the Contract, the lower he sank in the polls. And on the first Tuesday in November of 1994, when Republicans were chalking up victories over incumbants all over the place, Mitt sat it out, because he couldn’t bring himself to stand up for an Idea that resonated with the rest of the country.

    And now they tell us that the Man who engineered that sweeping victory in 1994, and the Organization (Tea Party) who engineered a similar sweep in 2010, should sit down and shut up because the Man who sat out the sweeping victory in 1994, and who opposes the people who engineered the second sweep in 2010 is the ONLY one who Can Win?

    Mitt lost because the one thing he won’t flip flop on is Milquetoast."

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    GOP leaders, from Romney to Boehner, have decided that the one group with any passion, the Tea Party, is no longer useful to them.

    The Tea Party singlehandedly energized the GOP into losing the Senate majority in 2010. (Angle-O'Donnell-Buck-Rossi.)

    Gimmicks run their course. And not all patronizing attitudes are unfounded.

  7. We are going to make a giant mess of the nomination and hope that a brokered convention will nominate an actual conservative. Not a Northeast or Southeast liberal.

  8. dfwmtx3:35 PM

    2012 is starting to resemble 2004 because the GOP is running on the "anyone but (insert name here)" platform.

  9. Anonymous7:27 PM

    We are going to make a giant mess of the nomination and hope that a brokered convention will nominate an actual conservative.

    Ah, the "Help! Eek! Save us, Superman!" strategy. Shrewd.
