Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What voter fraud?

Garry Trudeau: "Voter fraud is close to non-existent!"

Fox News: "Officials plead guilty in New York voter fraud case."


  1. dfwmtx10:37 AM

    Liberals want us to believe Bush stole the 2004 election thanks to hacked Diebold voting machines. Yet these same machines in 2008 worked perfectly fine to elect Obama.

  2. Echo Chamber Echo Chamber Echo Chamber3:40 PM

    We start off by Shirley Sherrod-ing Trudeau's cartoon to make it sound like Trudeau's point was to accuse the GOP of voter fraud, when the real point was that the GOP is cynically using the tactic of calling for photo ID registration because it will suppress voting among demographics that are less favorable to their candidates. Which is true.

    Then we carefully select a link to an article about voter fraud by Democratic candidates to 'discredit' the straw man point.

    In the spirit of maintaining fairness and balance here is a link to a story about Republican voter fraud:

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    it will suppress voting "among demographics that are less favorable to their candidates."

    Translated for accuracy--"people voting illegally."

  4. ...when the real point was that the GOP is cynically using the tactic of calling for photo ID registration because it will suppress voting among demographics that are less favorable to their candidates.

    You mean demographic groups like dead people, convicted felons and illegal aliens?

  5. it gets loud in the chamber10:36 PM

    No, more like living and legally residing young people, African Americans, etc., which is the point Trudeau was making. A point drowned out in the din of the echo chamber.

  6. Well it does get loud here. But how are "legal" and "living" voters denied their voting rights?

    Even the Baltimore example is particularly lame: voters were told to "relax" via robocalls. This is a far cry from ACORN's documented registration of dead voters.

  7. IOKIYAR8:37 AM

    Illegal robocalls and mailings pushing false information.

    Targeted and nationally coordinated voter scrubbing campaigns.

    50+ illegal forged absentee ballots affecting the Working Families Party primary ballot slot for the Rensselaer County legislature in upstate New York.

    It takes a special kind of mind to wave away the first two items, while simultaneously swooning over the threat to our democracy posed by the third.

  8. Yes, well, here's my crazy line of demarcation: only one of those involved voter fraud.

    When the Left does it: "non-existent". How's ACORN doing today?

  9. 7 minutes on Google1:05 PM

    Eight Republicans convicted in multi-year Kentucky vote fraud:

    Judge rules that the Republican Secretary of State was ineligible to run for the office he now holds, and thus committed vote fraud:

    Republican contractor pleads guilty in California voter registration fraud; got people to register as Republicans by telling them they were signing a petition to toughen the child molestation law:

    Six Republicans plead guilty in South Dakota voter registration fraud:

    Beyond your "crazy line of demarcation" and yet, somehow, even "particularly lame" fraud is deemed against the law:
    Republican robocaller convicted of vote suppression in Maryland:

    Seriously, grow up and drop the "that's something THEY do" crap.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "Seriously, grow up and drop the "that's something THEY do" crap."

    Are you speaking to yourself, or what? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    OH SNAP, dude! What an awesome reply. Good call, too, skipping past all the criminal convictions.

    However, your response would be more mature and convincing if you were rubber, and Democrats were glue.

  12. Happy holidays5:23 PM


  13. Anonymous6:27 PM

    OH SNAP, dude! What an awesome reply. Good call, too, skipping past all the criminal convictions.

    However, your response would be more mature and convincing if you were rubber, and Democrats were glue.
