Thursday, December 01, 2011

The "soak the rich" narrative - Powerline: "The Democrats' fuzzy math."  In sum, the wealthy do not have enough taxable income to satiate all of the spending dreamed up by the Dems.  Do they teach math at Columbia Journalism School?  Probably not.


  1. What, no trolls tonight?

  2. Ooga booga!11:10 AM

    There's one behind you, Roger! Quick, look!

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    If a little tax on the rich doesn't work, then todays American progressives can take a lesson from yesteryear's Russian progressive party and simply expropriate the wealth of the rich. And when the rich aren't rich enough, we can decide anyone who isn't poor and starving is rich.
    "It's not stealing if we believe it was already stolen from us."

  4. Hey, man, I'm just happy somebody's checking in.

    I really should have more blog posts about Scarlett Johansson.

  5. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Now she's DEFINITELY the 1%.

  6. Soak the rich taxes is a lot like chopping a hole in the bottom of the lifeboat because the rich guy's end doesn't have as much seawater sloshing around in it as the poor guy's end. It doesn't end well.
