Saturday, October 15, 2011

Warren Buffett: "I should pay more taxes."
GOP: "Yeah, what's stopping you?"


  1. They sure showed him.7:20 PM

    Asinine showboating. Whose "bluff" do they imagine they're calling by writing pointless legislation that would create no new law?

    And can these political buttboys be any stupider, or any more shameless? Playing "why don'tcha put your money where your mouth is" with somebody who's already given away tens of billions of dollars?

  2. Interesting you should say that since Obama wants to limit the tax deduction for charity. I wonder if Buffett would be so eager to give his money away.

  3. That must explain Buffet's full level of cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service on the subject of recent tax audits.

    Oh, wait...

  4. Someone get James O'Keefe a tax auditor costume.7:14 PM

    Ha, ha, what a hypocrite! Of COURSE paying out other people's money - the investors' assets of Berkshire Hathaway - is exactly the same as paying an individual's personal income tax!

    And after all, Warren Buffett has issued the call for voluntary one-time donations rather than an overall revamping of the tax code... oh, wait...

    But BH should just turn the money over. Especially since the previous IRS dispute with Berkshire Hathaway showed they owed the disputed taxes and that the feds were in the right... oh, wait...

  5. Someone get James O'Keefe a tax auditor costume.7:15 PM

    Oh, wait... the url vanished!

  6. Of COURSE paying out other people's money - the investors' assets of Berkshire Hathaway - is exactly the same as paying an individual's personal income tax!

    1) The less a corporation pays out in taxes is that much more that could be used in other manners, among them higher compensation for corporate officers.

    2) It's obvious hypocrisy - why bitch about paying individual taxes but fight corporate taxes owed by the company you're a major shareholder in tooth & nail? Do you really fail to see the difference here, or are we just splitting hairs?

    I'm not through with you yet, asshole...

    Warren Buffett has issued the call for voluntary one-time donations rather than an overall revamping of the tax code...

    There's a mechanism for that. Did Mr. Buffet avail himself of that avenue? No, he has not. Nice try, dickhead...

    Especially since the previous IRS dispute with Berkshire Hathaway showed they owed the disputed taxes and that the feds were in the right...

    The fact that the dispute is currently at IRS Appeals tells me you know jack shit about taxes, audits, or the appeals process; things I've forgotten more about than you'll ever know. So kindly shut the fuck up about this matter until you get a better handle on these things.

  7. Alger Hissyfit12:56 AM

    Notwithstanding your many excellent and intelligent points about dickheads and shutting the fuck up, you appear to have mixed up two separate tax cases. When you're done sputtering your big boy talk, Rog, try looking up OBH, Inc. v. United States, DC Neb. 2005, U.S. Dist. LEXIS 29382. You might re-learn something you've forgotten about.

  8. In my rush to abuse someone, I didn't realize the extent of Berkshire Hathaway's historical efforts to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. My apologies to all...

  9. Anonymous8:45 PM

    "So even though I was 100% wrong, I was 200% right."

  10. Regardless of the number of pseudonyms you ballless, ignorant assclown(s) like to comment under, the general charge of Warren Buffet / Berkshire Hathaway's massive hypocrisy remains unrefuted. Weak tea, and all that...

  11. One last thought, ladies - I consider you anonymous lefty commenters contemptible, worthless sons of bitches. Since I have a job and other professional responsibilities, I will do my level best to refute your ignorant, uninformed and inane points of view on Eric's blog every time you post, to the extent I can differentiate each of you cocksuckers from each other.

    If you have any manners (and I readily admit when it comes to you pricks, I DO NOT, nor will I ever), move this shit to another thread, and let the fight continue there.

    Let the best man win, and, trust me, you ain't it...

  12. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Smart people don't need to say "I'm smart! I'm smart!"

  13. Anonymous Q. Pseudonym2:26 PM

    On behalf of my fellow contemptible ballless ignorant assclown son a of bitch lefty pricks, I gotta ask. Would you and your magnificent balls be good enough to explain the exact nuts and bolts of Warren Buffett's "massive hypocrisy"?

    BHO is a publicly traded stock with many tens of thousands of investors who have profited by the court decision (more accurately, they were not penalized). They would lose money if Berkshire Hathaway started unilaterally paying liabilities that do not actually exist. Are the investors all hypocrites, too?

    But by your stupid logic, Buffett could absolve himself from his "hypocrisy" by paying a debt that doesn't exist, with money that mostly isn't his.

  14. Worst Man11:50 AM

    Hey, let’s keep that logic going. BHO’s legal vindication is deeply repugnant to you, Roger. So why don't you mail the IRS a couple of extra bucks in Warren's name, to help pay his company’s nonexistent tax burden? After all, it’s just as much your debt as it was Berkshire Hathaway's. And your money’s just as good as any Berkshire investor’s.

    You’d be striking a powerful blow against the pathetic, ignorant assclowns who abide by decisions of the court. And maybe you'll be less angry, if such a result is possible.

    Something you punched into your keyboard was intriguing. You say there's no difference in Buffett's role(s) as a private citizen and as a public CEO who delivers value to his stockholders. It's "splitting hairs." In other words, the corporate tax rate should be treated identically to individual taxation tables. (You might want to keep that logical conclusion to yourself - your intelligent and informed friends may not react with your classiness.)

    Sure, it’s obvious you’re just cranky because “class warfare” has suddenly gotten less fun this month. But feel free to explain your babbling, in five cocksuckers or less. Your drunk posts are a highlight of this website.
