Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama's speech - Sweet mercy, this is a cringeworthy melange of class warfare and straw men. I can't type fast enough, but nearly every sentence he utters is false or misleading. Corporate jet owners? Oil companies? Hedge-fund managers? Asking "patriotic" Americans to pay more in taxes? Man.

Overall, he puts himself above the fray: this debt crisis has nothing to do with him. He didn't rack up this debt with an ineffectual stimulus, or a GM bailout, or Obamacare, or this Libyan misadventure. It's all those awful Congressional Republicans who refuse to break their promises to the very voters who sent them to Washington.

And one more time: why didn't Obama and his Democratic buddies cram through a tax hike when they had a filibuster-proof majority in Congress? Why haven't they submitted a budget, as required by law, to plan the tax and spending of the nation? In other words, where's the leadership? Oh, but it's those other guys who are intransigent and irresponsible. Pitiful.

More - From PJ Tatler.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    So pitiful that the Congressional web servers have crashed from the amount of incoming email supporting the President.

    [i]He didn't rack up this debt with an ineffectual stimulus, or a GM bailout, or Obamacare, or this Libyan misadventure.[/i]

    You'll be sad to know that you're correct. The debt is currently more than $14 trillion. Those four items have cost less than $1 trillion combined, or approximately one-third of what the Bush tax cuts have cost us.

    Rumor has it we've even gotten some return on the Obama spending. Not nearly as much as all those new jobs and rising incomes and GDP growth that were created by the tax cuts, of course, but a couple of bucks.

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What rumor is that? I'm sitting through our third round of layoffs this year.

    The Bush tax cuts didn't "cost" anything. Stupid liberals and their mangling of the English language.

  3. Mark L10:49 AM

    Anyone that wants to pay more taxes is free to do so.

    Just send a check to:

    Gifts to the United States
    U.S. Department of the Treasury
    Credit Accounting Branch
    3700 East-West Highway, Room 622D
    Hyattsville, MD 20782

    It is not tax-dectable and non-refundable, so don't send in so much that you cannot pay your mandatory taxes. (You can go to jail for that, even if you donated twice as much to the gummint.

    But, unless someone claiming that patriotic citizens don't mind paying extra taxes is giving to this fund, what the person making that claim really means is that they don't mind making other people pay more taxes.

  4. What about voluntary "revenue?" Is that tax-deductible? I'm a hedge-fund manager with a corporate jet, but I still consider myself quite patriotic. Where can I send some patriotic revenue to "share" in some of these reasonable compromise costs?

  5. Anonymous12:18 AM

    The Bush tax cuts didn't "cost" anything. Stupid liberals and their mangling of the English language.

    The Tax Foundation:
    Headline: How Much Did the Bush Tax Cuts Cost in Forgone Revenue?

    Sentence #1: There is no definitive answer to the question of how much the Bush tax cuts cost the Treasury in foregone revenue from 2001 to 2010.

    Ha ha ha, those dumb liberals at the totally extreme pinko left-wing Tax Foundation think tank don’t even know what the word “cost” means!

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    You have cost me thousands by not mailing money to me! Greedy upper class bastard!

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The thing you have to remember is that all wealth belongs to the State. Letting the peasants keep too much is therefore a "cost".

  8. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Stupid English language, why doesn't it agree with my political biases?

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    So if I reduce the price my business charges for its products, I can call it an expense and write it off on my taxes?

  10. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Just say "I was wrong," and then pretend to yourself that the word "wrong" means something different.
