Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inevitable: Obama scares Grandma - Hot Air: "Obama: No, I can't promise that Social Security checks will go out."

Here's the irony: up until last year, payroll taxes were running a surplus and Social Security benefits could be paid from incoming revenue; the program was expected to run this way until 2016. But thanks to the awesome Obama economy, last year Social Security ran a deficit and has to cash in $46 billion in Trust Fund treasury bills in 2011. So thanks to Obama's mishandling of the economy, he can make this credible threat! It's a win-win, baby.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Ah, "the Obama economy." Impressive.

    Remember when the much smaller recession from Bush's first term was entirely caused by that bogus "Clinton bubble" bursting? Yeah... good times.

  2. DNC Chair Debbie "Downer" Wassserman Schultz: "We own the economy."


  3. oooooo1:27 AM

    Yes, well spotted. Centuries of economic history, centuries of economic shmistory. The important thing is, what will somebody say tomorrow on "Fox and Friends" or "Morning Joe"?

    I know that whenever I want unvarnished empirical truth, I go to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Michael Steele, and Howard Dean and Ed Gillespie.

    Are you sure you want to endorse the statements of a DNC Chairman as being factually absolute? Call me crazy, but I can see a downside to that policy.

    Did you know that Paul Ryan's plan is literally a death trap for seniors, and that Republicans want to literally drag us back to Jim Crow voting laws? Both are true, because Schultz said so.

  4. The Democrats have run the economy since the 2006 elections. Bush even signed their first stimulus bill.

    I could not care less if Social Security checks go out.

  5. Professor Logic2:46 PM

    It's been the Democrats' economy since 2006 because they held Congress... but it's still the Democrats' economy since 2010 because they hold the White House!

    The Bush stimulus, the 2002-03 recession, the 9/11 attacks, the Katrina response, the Catholic Church pedophile coverup, the XFL football league, Janet Jackson's boob reveal, Mike Myers as the Cat in the Hat... all of it is on the Democrats.

  6. Tell me about some Democratic bills Bush vetoed during his last 2 years. I think there was one - but it was something like stem cell research - not spend and borrow which he loved almost as much as the Dems.

    After both parties punted on his Social Security reforms, Bush paid attention to foriegn policy and let Congress do pretty much as they pleased.

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    They screwed up Cat Stevens too.

  8. Well, Professor, the Dems have learned their lesson by changing gears and doing nothing. No budget from the Senate, no budget from the White House, no plans to reduce the deficit.

    The Democratic Party: not our fault, man!

  9. Anonymous8:32 PM

    In fairness, the Dems have been too overwhelmed by all the GOP jobs bills to deal with anything else.

  10. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Because government does such a good job at providing jobs.

    That is why the USSR still dominates over the planet.....oh wait

  11. Anonymous2:40 PM

    That was also the Dems' fault. And so is this typographical errro.
