Sunday, July 17, 2011

A good review of something so bad - Zero Hedge: "A brief history of Obama's fiscal record."

And for good measure here's Victor Davis Hanson with "St. Obama and the Debt Dragon."


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    How weird... my browser is blocking Zero Hedge's mention of the Bush tax cuts being extended.

  2. Oh, let me help: they were extended by President Obama. But he swearsies he won't do it again.

  3. Anonymous12:50 AM

    No, no, see, that's goooood debt.

    Saving General Motors (which will announce expansion of its Flint factory and work shifts later today) was baaaaad debt.

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Got to love that from libs....

    letting people keep more of their OWN money = government debt

    "saving" GM (while trampling over the existing laws to create a company doubtful to survive over the long term) by handing them potfuls of government handouts ALSO = government debt

    does someone see a difference here?
