Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It's all been said - I feel like the Osama story is going to dominate the blogosphere for weeks. So I'll say this: that Susie with the lemonade business is adorable.


  1. It's nice to have a President who gets to the end zone and acts like he's been there before.

  2. Actually, he reminds of the owner of a football team who, when his team continues to lose, blames the former owner. When his team finally wins a big game, mainly due to the outstanding strategy of a coach the former owner hired, and the performance of players arguably more aligned with the former owner, claims he is the one most responsible for the victory.

  3. We Are Partial1:19 AM

    So if good news occurs, Bush & Co. deserve most of the credit... but if it's bad news, blaming Bush would be the act of a whining loser. That's a hell of a flowchart.

    See also: Clinton failed to prevent 9/11; Reagan won the Cold War.

    Face it, DB. Your boy spiked the ball on the 40-yard line and thought he'd won the Super Bowl.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    So Reagan DIDN'T win the Cold War? Who the hell did? Jimmy Carter?

    As for preventing 9/11, I guess either Clinton or Bush II could have but I don't really blame either. I mean, who would have ever thought such a thing could have happened before it did?

    As for BHO getting Osama, good for him and the US. Was it his actions alone that did it? No. Did the events that led up to getting Osama have lots to do with things Obama had nothing to do with or actively opposed (waterboarding, Gitmo, etc.) you bet ya. He still gets some credit but by no means all.

    Going the football route, its like BHO is the QB who gets to the end zone using someone elses play.

  5. "...who would have ever thought such a thing could have happened before it did?"

    Dick Marcinko and anyone who read "Red Cell".

    Anyone on Air France Flight 8969 - an Air France flight that terrorists planned to crash into the Eiffel Tower. Luckily French commandoes killed the terrorists while the plane was on the ground getting topped off with fuel so it would explode real nice.

    It's like Ray Berry taking the Patriots team Ron Meyer and Bucko Kilroy built to the Superbowl - even though he was a terrible coach.

  6. Talk like Patriots, act like Chargers, let the next guy pay the Bills12:18 AM

    What's that, legendary football coach Vince Lombardi? You've returned? You have something to say to the people using strained football analogies to minimize President Obama's un-minimizable victory? Well, then, the floor is yours!

    "Winning isn't everything... it's the only thing."

    Too true, Coach! Too true!

  7. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Minimize BHO's victory? HIS victory? And here I thought it was America's victory.

    And anyway, who could minimize his victory? Not me. It was especially dramatic when he shot Osama in the head.

    Wait, he didn't do that? He sat in a bunker thousands of miles away and watched it on TV. That doesn't sound right from all the talk of his bravery being shouted out by his few remaining supporters...

  8. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Hurts, don't it?

    Don't worry. In just six years, the pain will be alllll over.

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Right. Obama is so sure to win. I mean, who could ever lose when he has driven gas prices over $4 a gallon and kept them there?

  10. It really truly could happen!5:18 PM

    Please don't lose that optimism. The 2012 election won't be half as hilarious without it.

  11. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Exactly why will BHO win again?

  12. The Adios-ity of Hope4:50 AM

    Because of sleazy Chicago-style politics, zombie ACORN, and two scary black guys at a Philadelphia polling station, of course.

    No, no, just kidding, you're totally right. Obama can't possibly win next year. No way. Just think about how great you're going to feel when The One gets the boot from this fundamentally conservative nation. Hold on tight to that good anticipatory feeling, and don't let anything dissuade you.

  13. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Oh, I don't think it is totally impossible for BHO to win. If he manages to cut the unemployment rate in half, price of gas in half and everyones taxes in half, he would probably sweep to victory.

    He might jump in a fighter plane and lead a counterattack that drives off an alien invasion.

    I don't think either are high probability events though...

  14. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The 2012 Republican ticket will be greeted as liberators!

  15. Dieter Mintustryke5:41 AM

    Talking the talk. Walking the walk.

    The former is still more than enough to satisfy those who think it equals the latter. The rest of us are grateful for the upgrade to competence.

  16. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So thats worth, what, a few thousand votes? Don't think that will do it fella

  17. Futility vs. capability1:13 PM

    OH SNAP, what a comeback!

    I'm calling the electoral college now at 22 for Obama, 517 for [name to be filled in later].

    After all, President Obama (2009-2017) hasn't killed anybody important in more than a week. So what's the buzz among the serious folk, Mr. A? Is he "dithering" again?

  18. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Improbably, remarkably, repulsively, this past week made the Bush alumni look even smaller than they already did.
