Sunday, May 22, 2011

I was Mitch Daniels' secret lover supporter - I have to say that I'm disappointed that Indiana governor Daniels isn't running for the Presidency because I think he can win in a walk. So I'm moving on to my second choice of Midwest governors: Tim Pawlenty.

Mitt Romney? Never, never, never. If Romney is the nominee then I'll be signing up for the "Daniels/Pawlenty 2016" campaign.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Neither Daniels nor Pawlenty had/has any shot at the GOP nomination.

    It is a straight up match between Romney and Not Romney (whoever that is - Palin or Rick Perry).

    A proxy fight between the Tea Party and the Big Government Republican.

  2. Oh, I don't think so. I'm a firm believer in the "Rule of 14" so I think Pawlenty has a good shot.

    The upper Midwest is the new South when it comes to elections - that's where all the power is now. Capture Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc. and win the White House.

  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

    "Capture Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc. and win the White House."

    Two flaws: 1) First you have to win the primaries, and (2) Pawlenty will win none of those states.

    He has been running for two years, and nobody cares.

  4. Governor Pawlenty won't win Minnesota? C'mon.

    I don't know who you think might win those states over Pawlenty. I think he's stronger than most give him credit.

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Governor Pawlenty won't win Minnesota? C'mon.

    In the general election?

    No Rep will MN in the GE.

  6. Anonymous10:22 PM

    If ZZZ-Paw was any good, there would not have been so much buzz about another non-starter Daniels.

  7. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Fred Thompson will save the party! Keep the faith!

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The "sizzling" battle for the 2012 Republican nomination will determine who gets a permanent listing in future World Almanacs next to Goldwater and McGovern and Mondale and Dole and Dukakis and Kerry as having officially participated in an election. And nothing more.

  9. Oh, joy and rapture!10:42 AM

    Great news! Reverend Harold Camping now predicts that the voters will make Obama a one-termer, because this is a conservative nation.

  10. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Rudy Giuliani will save the party! Keep the faith!
