Thursday, April 21, 2011

A third more in taxes - Megan McArdle explains that without restraint in spending, taxes for everyone will have to go way, way up: "These are huge changes in the overall tax burden, and they will have big effects on people's lives and the economy."


  1. another Eric Lindholm12:59 AM

    Egad! If they go up by a third, they'll be almost at Reagan year levels!

  2. Reagan year was my favorite.

  3. Just by inflated gas, clothing and food prices, Obama will tax your after tax earnings more than Carter or Clinton ever could.

    Hell, toss Bush #41 into the mix too. The Bamster will out do all of them.

  4. Where's the rest of me?8:19 AM

    Reagan Year is the one-eighth of his 8 years in office that he spent actually doing the principled, conservative, small government, non-negotiable things today's GOP claims Reagan did all the time.

    Reagan raised your taxes. Obama has lowered them. Does not compute... does not compute... cognitive shutdown imminent...
