Friday, March 18, 2011

Deciding not to decide

Remember when candidate Obama said that taking a position was "above my pay grade"? Good times. Here's Kimberley Strassel with "President 'Present.'"

While a bipartisan mix of Senators beg our President to take a position on the budget crisis, Obama's jetting off to South America for Carnival! But he'll be back in time for a Chicago party.

It's good to be the king President. Fire up Air Force One! Bammy wants deep-dish pizza.


  1. That brush won't clear itself!11:01 PM

    Yeah, at this rate Barack Obama might even catch up to George W. Bush's vacation total... assuming Obama gets reelected for six more terms.

  2. I was waiting for that one: I'm sure that Bush's "vacations" in the scrubland of Crawford are exactly equal to Obama's funland tour of Brazil, Paris, and Copenhagen.

    Par-tay in Chicago, y'all! Mission accomplished.

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Fabulous timing. As France and England and the Arab League take the lead in Libya this weekend, why don't you tell us more about what a slacking bonehead President Neverhome Globetrotter is?

  4. IOKIYAR9:17 PM

    Ah, the bane of excess vacation time. And the federal deficit, bad job numbers, stimulus spending, “czars,” big health legislation, and even speeches on teleprompters... there are so many things to be truly and sincerely upset about. At least since 12:00:01 noon on January 20, 2009.

    Oh well, at least it's cool to block federal judge nominations and criticize a wartime President again!
