Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wisconsin statehouse stuff - Wisconsin blogger Ann Althouse has lots of pictures from the march in Madison. As usual, the protesters made a mess.

Extra - From Hit & Run.

More - Slate "United We Flee": "So can legislators stop a bill by refusing to show up? They might but they're not actually allowed to." Well, yes, but the penalties for the missing Democrats appear to be non-existent.


  1. Public Employee Unions are a terrible idea. Hopefully the fight against them will spread.

  2. Except the police and fireman unions, because they typically vote Republi... er, Libertarian.

  3. JLLewis11:48 AM

    You know, these guaranteed union contracts wouldn't be costing states so much if the skyrocketing cost of health care was curbed. So, um... attorney generals unite! Repeal socialist Obamacare!
