Wednesday, February 02, 2011

It's not a tax, it's a tax - Hit & Run: "He loves the mandate, he loves it not - The Obama administration's individual mandate flip-flops."


  1. Obamacare as written doesn't work without the individual mandate (which of course is blatantly unconstitutional). Requiring insurers to accept all applicants regardless of existing medical conditions is a recipe for driving the few remaining health insurance companies out of business. It's like signing up for property insurance while your house is burning or auto insurance after a crash. Why buy before hand?

    To proceed with this law minus the mandate can only be an effort to destroy the health insurance industry and pave the way for single payer.

  2. There's a kernel of truth to this. Here in Massachusetts, Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts are in talks to merge their insurance companies because they're being squeezed by Obamacare regulations (e.g. the cap on profits).

    If the government makes it impossible for private health insurance companies to remain profitable then - surprise! - they're going to have to fill the void with a single payer.

  3. I believe that the left would like nothing more than to destroy private health insurance. If the government controls healthcare they have the ability to regulate every other part of our lives as well, since they can claim EVERYTHING affects our health. What we eat, what kind of house we live in, what car we drive, exercise everything is then up for regulation.


  4. Obamacare will help your injury.9:25 PM

    I believe that you have been struck in the head.
