Wednesday, February 09, 2011

How can we get through to these stupid Americans?

Coming on the heels of a new poll indicating that Americans still really hate Obamacare comes this story of equal parts desperation and condescension: "Maybe people will like Obamacare better in comic book form."

That's right, an MIT economist is going to use ink and color to explain the great benefits of the health care reform law. Maybe Jughead will get a subdural hematoma.


  1. Mark L8:44 AM

    Those that are so simple-minded as to need a comic book to explain Obamacare are those likely to support it anyway. So it's a case of carrying coals to Newcastle.

  2. Mandy M2:24 AM

    Yet oddly, it's the people who are UNlikely to support any health care reform who are saying, "2,000 pages! Eek!"

  3. Mark L9:03 AM

    Mandy M said...
    Yet oddly, it's the people who are UNlikely to support any health care reform who are saying, "2,000 pages! Eek!"

    Hmmm . . . and I thought the people that were unlikely to support any health care reform were the ones that PASSED that 2000-page bill.

    'Cause Obamanationcare may be a lot of things but no rational person believes it is health care reform. Quite the opposite as people are finding out.

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Funny that anything with 2,000 pages to it can be called a "reform."
