Monday, February 07, 2011

After gorging on lobster and filet mignon, Obama orders a diet coke

The Hill: "Budget director previews cuts in Obama's 2012 plan"

The cuts are relatively small, however, in the larger scheme of things. In total, the $775 million in detailed cuts fall far short of demands by congressional Republicans and will do little toward tackling the deficit, which is estimated to be $1.5 trillion this year by the Congressional Budget Office. The cuts are in addition to a five-year spending freeze which the administration says will save $400 billion over the next decade.
Yes, given this administration's dedication to cutting the deficit, I'm sure those spending-freeze savings will materialize. Good gravy. The American public's backlash against raising the debt ceiling is a cri de coeur to please stop spending.

Extra - Really big numbers. The Corner: "Not a pretty debt picture."

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