Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"We do big things" - Yeah, no kidding.


  1. Buh dum pum10:09 AM

    Federal spending per household may be skyrocketing, but that'll happen after the banks cheat everybody out of their households.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Yeah, evil banks sticking a gun to everyone's head and making them buy homes they couldn't afford.


    (Though, of course, I do believe banks should have had to suffer when their lack of CYA caught up to them)

  3. Bah, dum dum12:58 PM

    Hmm, not only has some unfortunate reader missed the concept of a "joke," but if they *really* want to get into it, they might want to acquaint themselves with minor details such as mortgage fraud, securities fraud, tax fraud, robo-signing, REMICs, predatory lending, illegal foreclosures, rocket dockets, shredded mortgage notes...
