Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A very good memorial speech - President Obama was empathetic, evocative, and effective in his address at the University of Arizona in remembrance of the victims of the Tucson tragedy. He talked about the people lost and pointed out the heroes of the day, then made a "better angels of our nature" call to the nation. The only thing that was a little bit grating was the pep rally feel with whooping and whistling from the crowd; even in this Obama was composed and solemn with a gravity to match the occasion.


  1. Well put. David Gergen also felt it seemed a bit too much like a "pep rally." And my wife and I felt exactly the same. In fact, while we were watching I said to her it seemed a lot like a "college pep rally".

    The "whooping" as the President was trying to start speaking was grating and out of place. And the constant applause interruptions were irritating. Of course the people there had the right to their "observance", but I guess we had just expected something more "solemn" broadcast at a gathering termed a "memorial" service." That's all.

  2. But which David Gergen?10:41 PM

    David Gergen, 2008:
    "There is this free floating sort of whipping around anger that could really lead to some violence. I think we're not far from that. I really worry when we get people -- when you get the kind of rhetoric that you're getting at these rallies now. I think it's really imperative that the candidates try to calm people down."

    David Gergen, 2011:
    "There is no connection, clear or vague between that rhetoric (during midterm elections) and what this deranged fellow did. And in that sense I think it is inappropriate to point fingers and make accusations trying to link the rhetoric to this rampage. If anything the accusations and all this name calling is only further poisoning the discourse in this country and further polarizing us as a people. President Obama had it right today, we need to pull together as a people."

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    It seems that a big part of that crowd was looking for a Wellstone memorial service (or a Coretta King one) but the President avoided that trap.
