Friday, January 21, 2011

Sign me up - Dana Milbank in the WashPost: "I'm declaring February a Palin-free month." I honestly don't understand the hubbub and/or furor over this woman. She had her shot at the vice-presidency and that's the closest she'll ever get to the White House. It's like America is obsessed with Geraldine Ferraro.


  1. Rellor5:53 AM

    A better analogy is George Wallace (omitting the segregationist racism). Wallace was a wild card who had to be variously dealt with, neutralized, courted, and denounced for over a decade before his second-tier appeal finally faded away.

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Did Geraldine Ferraro nurture a new political party that kicked out sitting members and took over an established political party and got a majority of them elected to the House?

  3. Mama Measly5:50 PM

    You do realize that the Tea Party COST the Republicans the Senate, right?

    You do realize that Palin's amazing record for 2010 endorsements wasn't even slightly amazing (33-for-64), and that the 33 is padded with daring, ballsy longshots like Rick Perry, Mary Fallin, John McCain and Michelle Bachmann? You do realize that her W/L ratio was worse than the Republican ratio as a whole?

    You do realize that if you predict rain tomorrow in various spots in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Australia, you too can go 33-for-64?

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh, and to think that Sarah Palin started the Tea Party is idiotic. She may have gotten out ahead of everyone else in supporting it but that is it.

  5. Anonymous1:29 PM

    What nonsense. The Republican chance to win the Senate was blown 2 years ago when good candidates decided not to run in places like Nevada and Deleware - long before the "Tea Party" was anything more than people pissed off on April 15th about wasteful spending.

    Why Dedan Heller didn't run for Senate in Nevada is beyond me - he easily could have beaten Angle in the primary and Reid in the general.

    There had to be better candidates in Deleware than Mike Castle and Christine O'Donnell - both were terrible. Again, their decision not to run pre-dated the Tea Party.

  6. A smart, shrewd person3:06 PM

    "It wasn't the Tea Party that lost those seats! It wasn't the zealots' impact on the primaries! It's all the fault of... Mystery Candidates! Excellent, electable mystery candidates who simply MUST exist!

    Except Nevada, which was Dean Heller's fault. He would have trounced Angle in the primary, even though Heller only beat Angle by 428 votes in their head-to-head 2006 race, before Angle had Tea Party support. Or for that matter, a Tea Party. Why oh why didn't Destiny Dean save the day?

    Well, that's just how it happened. Now my thinking head feels all ouchy, I need a nap-nap."

  7. Anonymous4:36 PM

    So Republicans didn’t take the Senate because they were... enthusiastic?

    They weren’t enthusiastic in 2008…

  8. Bob Tuse6:47 PM

    "Stop ruining my anecdotes with analysis! Stop ruining my feelings with facts!"

    It's fun being a diehard, until you die hard.

    Go, go, go, Tea Party in 2012! And I sincerely mean that.

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    You do realize that the Tea Party COST the Republicans the Senate, right?

    Really? The republicans could have won the senate? When was that predicted? 2008? 2009? It never was. This is republican establishment garbage designed to shut the tea party up. They want the votes, but the don't want an real agenda.

  10. 52-47-14:37 PM

    Colorado, Nevada, Delaware. This math ain't hard.
