Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So good that nobody wants it - The Boston Globe reports on the Obamacare program for high-risk patients: "Last spring the Medicare program's chief actuary predicted that 375,000 people would sign up by the end of 2010. In early November, the Health and Human Services Department reported that just 8,000 had enrolled."

Despite the low participation, the article reports that medical expenses for the program have been "much higher than anticipated." Uh-huh.


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    The health care program will be phased in slowly, over a period of four years. Is there some reason people are confusing its status for the first weekend grosses of a "Twilight" sequel?

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I think people can extrapolate "low participation BUT high costs" and see where this is going.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    People can also look at what you had for breakfast this morning, and extrapolate everything you're going to eat through 2013. Doesn't make their analysis a shrewd one.
