Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Hitting the kids again

The Minuteman takes note that a Virginia judge upheld Obamacare's individual mandate, and makes this observation:
Let's see - should I buy the kids a laptop to help them get ahead in school or plunk down a few grand to subsidize some geezer's health care today and make sure that I will be cared for in forty years? Tough call!
That's an important consideration for all you young workers (and Obama voters): not only will you see your Social Security benefits slashed and your Medicare assistance disappear when you turn grey, the individual mandate requires you to contribute to a system where almost all the benefits will flow to older Americans. None dare call it a tax and we pinky-swear those health care benefits will be around when you need them.

Extra - From Reason Online.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Good luck rooting for generational warfare to go along with the class warfare (*that doesn't exist).
