Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Cops call it "handcuff courage"

It's when perps (usually impaired by alcohol) start acting tough the very moment they have the cuffs slapped on or they're put in the back seat of a cruiser. Then they're ready for a fight.

Thus, these headlines: "Democrats could scuttle Obama-GOP tax deal."
And from The Hill: "Senator Durbin: Dems could walk out on tax-cut deal."

Arrrgh! Did you hear that liberal base? Dems are angry too! And whose fault is this? Well if you listen to the stereo speakers of Barack Obama and Byron York, it's your fault. Wow, politics really does make strange bedfellows.

Extra - Angry callers crash the White House phone lines.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Keg party in the House!

    Chuck Todd: Pelosi does not have votes in House right now for the deal--"triple digit" opposition

  2. Yeah, right. It's all for show.

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    They had two years to do whatever they wanted on taxes. Now it's the Republicans' (who don't get there for another month) fault? I think Obama and the Dems just substitute "Republicans" whenever they get frustrated at the voters.

  4. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Excellent point. I mean, it was too bad for the Democrats when the Republicans were in charge for several years and privatized Social Security, eliminated the Dept. of Education, stopped union "card check" policy, started drilling in ANWR, killed the capital gains tax, balanced the budget, enacted the line-item veto, completed the border fence, and got rid of earmarks. But that's just the way it goes, because once a party gets that 51st vote, it gets to do everything it wants.

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    They had the 60th vote for a year. Two years if you count the dependable Rinos.

  6. And now, that Blue Dog Democrat Jim DeMint is resisting arrest...

  7. Neat, let the Donks jam this up Obama's butt. Stay strong Pelosi, you'll get your tax hike.

    Of course, in January, the bill gets rewritten to fit the GOP's desires, passed and sent to the Senate, then to the Prez, leaving him no choice but to sign a GOP version.

    Who knows what will be in that bill, except it won't be what the Jackasses like.
